another encrypted mailinglist is schleuder.
It works.

If you want to have a serverless encrypted mailinglist Bitmessage works too.
Some people don't like the interface. Someone i know reads Bitmessages on his email client.

Find a list of pros and cons here:
another contra: it lacks the send-time-stamp.
it's ok for privacy in the meantime. For long term i am working on this:


Am 2016-07-13 10:14, schrieb Marco Ivaldi:
On Tue, 12 Jul 2016, Ben Nagy wrote:

Here's the pitch: Clique is a standalone app that operates a gmail
account. If you're registered, you can send PGP encrypted emails to it
(but if you're using ancient ciphers they'll bounce). Clique decrypts
them, then re-encrypts and re-mails them individually to the other
registered participants. Yes, it's a mailing list.

Interesting idea. The venerable zeitgeist-ml by tcannon implemented a
similar functionality for the mailing list. If you wanted the
server to encrypt your message (and subsequent replies), you just
needed to put the [0dd-encrypted] keyword in the email subject and the
server would handle it for you.

Not sure if the code is available somewhere and can be reused, though.

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