On Wed, 9 Mar 2016, Sean Leonard wrote:

Subject: [dane] "decoded local-part" for dane-smime and dane-openpgp

The problem is that this text does not distinguish between the local-part production, and the decoded (unescaped) local-part characters.

As I am discussing in another Internet-Draft elsewhere (in progress, not necessary to cover right now here), the local-part has evolved basically to be a string of Unicode scalar values, which may or may not be escaped or quoted. Specifically:

It is therefore appropriate that the local-part be isolated from the entire e-mail address production, and unescaped/unquoted (i.e., decoded). All three

I propose similar text for draft-ietf-dane-openpgpkey. Assuming we have agreement, I can tackle that draft accordingly.

I believe the chairs stated that the experiments of dane for
openpgpkey and smime can continue without tackling every corner case
of local-parts. Fixing the local-parts is up to th email community,
not the dane community.

So while I encourage your comments and drafts, I don't believe at this
point any changes should be made to either dane document.


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