Posted by: "Jan Hodges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I  have February.  It is a good thing too after all the harassment I got
from the money arm of this thing.  I ordered two gift subscriptions after I
renewed mine - I am still getting bills even though I paid on 22 Nov, along
with sending a letter which they answered in 6 weeks.  When I finally used
email to complain I got an apology in a week.  But I got an answer from
Nancy Kerns the editor in no kidding 11 minutes.  That made up for a lot.

Duke weighs 131.  The space between his front legs is getting wider, he has
muscle on his legs now, his butt is bigger.  There is hair on his tail stub,
and hair is grown back over all the places there were sores.  He looks like
a gawky teenager.   He does not look like a starving rescue anymore.  He had
his bath today.  He is gleaming.  They tied him to the desk.  He peed on it.
On the top of it.  They liked him anyway.  When I picked him up he said "I
knew you were coming."

I can dig out those articles for you, it will be tomorrow.


Jan Hodges
Greta and Hans and DUKE
New Mexico

You must have gotten Feb already !
>Can anyone send me a copy of the ARTICLE - Fatty Tumors Dec 98
>Case History: Building a Collies Immune System  Mar 98  ?

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