Posted by: Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>What kind of suture material are they using.  I've had dogs that
>re-absorb desolving sutures too soon. Also if they lick the incision,
>the sutures will desolve.  I always make it a point to state I want the
>good old fashioned cat gut which is thick like string and they can tie
>great knots,
>or I want the dog stapled.  It's probably too late for staples cause
>they would have to
>re-anesthetize the dog, which you want to avoid.   You are in my
>If they are using disolvable sutures, you may want to ask about using an
>e-collar for at night
>and when you are not home.  Just some suggestions, prayers are with you
>Kathy F
>Plymouth, Mass.

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