Hi everyone,

Just had to share this with all of you, we are having a major snow storm. So 
far 8 - 10 inches and still snowing, windy which is making pretty high snow 

The kids, well, Hawk and Gypsy are having a ball in the snow. Gypsy who will 
be 6 months old in a few days is trying to eat all the snow to clear it off 
"her" yard. She and Hawk just love the snow. Then there is Maverick, he is 5 
yrs old and does not like it, he just cries and looks at me like I am 
supposed to make it all go away, he thinks Mom can do anything, unfortunately 
Mom can't fight Mother Nature. Gypsy blends right in with the snow, all you 
can see is black patches moving around in the snow, Hawk on the other hand, 
being a Fawnequin, all you can see is brown patches moving around. Love these 
kids!! Life would be very dull without a Dane or two or three!

Keeping warm and dry until it stops, then the shoveling will start.

Manassas, Va.

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