New submission from Mark Stosberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

There's currently no easy way to see which darcs patches have been processed to
support a changelog entry, since they are scattered throughout many files in a
directory. I would like a tool that reports the following

"show me all patches that have not been changelogged"

It should support a "--from-tag" option, and ideally would already produce
output in the changelog format. For example, if the patch name was all one one
line, it would use "match: exact", while multi-line patches would output in
"match name" format. (I assume that "exact" can't be used with multi-line 

messages: 3654
nosy: beschmi, droundy, kowey, markstos, tommy
priority: wishlist
status: unread
title: wish: tool to see which patches haven't been changelogged

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