zooko wrote:
>> I don't know.  The buildbot is rather complicated.  Figuring that  
>> out would
>> be part of what one would need to do in order to track down this  
>> bug.  I'm
>> just not very interested in debugging a huge python program, myself.
> I suggest first upgrading to the latest stable release of buildbot.   
> http://darcs.net:8008 appears to be running buildbot v0.7.4, and the  
> current stable release is v0.7.6.  On the other hand, the Changelog  
> and the buildbot issue tracker don't show any bug fixes between 0.7.4  
> and 0.7.6 that would explain this.
> Second, assuming that the problem persists after upgrading to the  
> current stable release, let us open a ticket at http://buildbot.net .

I'd be willing to put in some time trying to resolve this issue.  Even 
if we don't get any traction with "make test", at least the buildbot 
guards against build breaks in Darcs-unstable on OS X.

Is there a convenient way for me to clone the buildmaster functionality 
and run it locally?  I haven't looked at the implementation of the 
buildbot to figure out the best way to instrument it.

Keith Browne
darcs-devel mailing list

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