On Sat, May 08, 2010 at 10:37:06PM +0200, Ben Franksen 
<benjamin.frank...@bessy.de> wrote:
> I would really like to offer to take over maintenance of the
> darcs-fast-import script, as it looks as if this format is going to be the
> de-facto standard for repository interchange. With a robust and
> feature-complete darcs-fast-import we could cover most of the demands for
> easy migration to Darcs. However, I just took over maintenance of another
> open source project and I fear this will be more than I can take on,
> especially since I am not very versed in Python.

Don't worry, when I wrote darcs-fast-{import,export} first it was a
separate project and then I realised I don't have time to maintain it.
So it got merged to bzr-fastimport where the Canonical guys test and use
it regularly, and now I don't have to care about releases, they do it.

OTOH it's still an open project, you can hack it whenever you want and
and patches are still accepted in the launchpad bts.

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