On Mon, 21 Dec 2015, Guillaume Hoffmann wrote:

But isn't it a bug that some tags seem to be lost after the conversion? (As
I have demonstrated below: the tags are present in the source darcs-1 repo,
but not in the result.)

Can you first run "darcs optimize reorder" and then do the conversion?

I did this.

This didn't help with the lost tags (isn't it strange?), but did help with being able to push to the darcs-2 repo from hub (a clone of it):

(BTW, there are axtra patches in the darcs-1 repo.)

~/TOOLS/prog $ cd language-c.pristine.reordered/
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.reordered $ darcs show tags
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.reordered $ darcs optimize reorder
Done reordering!
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.reordered $ darcs show tags
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.reordered $ cd ..
~/TOOLS/prog $ darcs convert darcs-2 language-c.pristine.reordered language-c.pristine.darcs-2
WARNING: the repository produced by this command is not understood by
Darcs 1.x, and patches cannot be exchanged between repositories in
darcs-1 and darcs-2 formats.

Furthermore, repositories created by different invocations of
this command SHOULD NOT exchange patches.

Please confirm that you have read and understood the above
by typing `I understand the consequences of my action': I understand the consequences of my action
lossy conversion:
merger 0.0 (
merger 0.0 (
hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Position.hs 115
+-- | advance to the next row
+incRow :: Position -> Position
+incRow (Position o f r c) = Position o f (r + 1) c
+incRow p                  = p
hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Position.hs 115
+{-# INLINE adjustPos #-}
+-- | adjust position: change file and line number, reseting column to 1. This is usually +-- used for #LINE pragmas. The absolute offset is not changed - this can be done
+--   by @adjustPos newFile line . incPos (length pragma)@.
+adjustPos :: FilePath -> Int -> Position -> Position
+adjustPos fname row (Position offs _ _ _) = Position offs fname row 1
+adjustPos _ _ p                           = p
hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Position.hs 115
--- | advance to the next row
+-- | advance to the next row, this does not reset the column.  use
+-- @retPos@ if that's what you want to do.
Finished converting.
~/TOOLS/prog $ cd language-c.pristine.darcs-2/
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.darcs-2 $ darcs show tags
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.darcs-2 $ darcs push ../language-c_hub
HINT: if you want to change the default remote repository to
      quit now and issue the same command with the --set-default flag.
patch e3ef50ad1602f11b10b5aa1d7e529e06866c3e91
Author: benedikt.hu...@gmail.com
Date:   Thu Dec  4 09:38:40 MSK 2014
  * Notes concerning MAINTAINANCE, whitespace fixes in Test
Shall I push this patch? (1/2)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: v
[Notes concerning MAINTAINANCE, whitespace fixes in Test
 Ignore-this: fc7e006cc9b2fa7566b33f8caa35e769
] addfile ./MAINTAINANCE
+# Maintainance Release Procedure
+# bump version and update dependencies if necessary
+emacs language-c.cabal
+darcs record
+# apply patches
+darcs am *.patch
+# add minimal test for new functionality
+# (edit test/harness)
+# haskell updates
+# (update GHC to stable release)
+cabal update
+cabal install -p --upgrade-dependencies
+# regression test
+DEFAULT_BROWSER=firefox bash scripts/regression_test
+# upload to code.haskell.org
+darcs push
+# upload to hub.darcs.net and github (using patches)
+# upload to hackage (using website)
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 29
-nonParseEnvVar :: String [_$_]
+nonParseEnvVar :: String
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 39
-        [_$_]
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 59
-      True -> [_$_]
+      True ->
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 62
-          setTestStatus parseTest1 $ [_$_]
+          setTestStatus parseTest1 $
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 68
-          setTestStatus parseTest1 $ [_$_]
+          setTestStatus parseTest1 $
hunk ./test/src/CParse.hs 71
-  [_$_]
Shall I push this patch? (1/2)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: n
patch 1f08b2e3e6ee99c93e0b8283a8a409efe38bf41c
Author: benedikt.hu...@gmail.com
Date:   Thu Dec  4 09:39:10 MSK 2014
* Scott Kovach <dskov...@gmail.com>: added derived Eq,Ord instances to NodeInfo

Shall I push this patch? (2/2)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: v
[Scott Kovach <dskov...@gmail.com>: added derived Eq,Ord instances to NodeInfo
 Ignore-this: ec4894a483080f5d658cbaacabdbaa95

] hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Node.hs 29
-           deriving (Data,Typeable)
+           deriving (Data,Typeable,Eq,Ord)
hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Node.hs 38
-instance Eq NodeInfo where
-  (NodeInfo   _ _ id1) == (NodeInfo   _ _ id2) = id1 == id2
-  _               == _               =
-    error "Attributes: Attempt to compare `OnlyPos' attributes!"
+--instance Eq NodeInfo where
+--  (NodeInfo   _ _ id1) == (NodeInfo   _ _ id2) = id1 == id2
+--  _               == _               =
+--    error "Attributes: Attempt to compare `OnlyPos' attributes!"
hunk ./src/Language/C/Data/Node.hs 44
-instance Ord NodeInfo where
-  (NodeInfo   _ _ id1) <= (NodeInfo   _ _ id2) = id1 <= id2
-  _               <= _               =
-    error "Attributes: Attempt to compare `OnlyPos' attributes!"
+--instance Ord NodeInfo where
+--  (NodeInfo   _ _ id1) <= (NodeInfo   _ _ id2) = id1 <= id2
+--  _               <= _               =
+--    error "Attributes: Attempt to compare `OnlyPos' attributes!"
Shall I push this patch? (2/2)  [ynW...], or ? for more options: n
Do you want to push these patches? [Yglqk...], or ? for more options: l
---- Already selected patches ----
---- end of already selected patches ----
Do you want to push these patches? [Yglqk...], or ? for more options: y
You don't want to push any patches, and that's fine with me!
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.darcs-2 $ darcs fetch ../language-c_hub
HINT: if you want to change the default remote repository to
      quit now and issue the same command with the --set-default flag.
No remote changes to pull in!
~/TOOLS/prog/language-c.pristine.darcs-2 $

I suspect this is the same bug as http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2466 ,
that is, "dirty" tags (tag that have unrelated patches before them)
are not exported.

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