On Thu, 3 Sep 2020 at 14:24, Ben Franksen <ben.frank...@online.de> wrote:
> >>> If I wanted to implement it, I think it would just become this:
> >>>
> >>> * A repository consists of two things:
> >>>   * A sequence S of primitive patches with distinct names, starting at
> >>> O, with no inverses (i.e. only positive names).
> >>>   * A set of names, called "tombstones", representing "deleted"
> >>> patches. These names don't appear in S.
> >>
> >> The problem I see here is that this looses the start (or ending) state
> >> of the "deleted" patches. And you don't even remember their content,
> >> just their name. But even supposing you remember a start state and the
> >> patch representation of every deleted patch, this will still mess up
> >> your commutation. Because deleting inverse pairs AA^ from the main
> >> sequence basically means the same as stating that such a pair commutes
> >> with any other patch, which is clearly wrong
> >
> > Yes, I forgot that the repo needs to remember the content of those
> > "deleted" patches. E.g. someone might later obliterate A^, or someone
> > might want to pull A and not A^ to another repo; or someone might
> > simply want to see the content of A and A^ in the output of "darcs
> > changes -v". So, tombstones as names only clearly isn't enough.
> >
> > I'm a bit fuzzy about the problem with commutation that you raise.
> > Yes, one way to delete AA^ would be to commute them all the way to the
> > end of the sequence and then drop them. But what would go wrong if we
> > simply declare that whenever you have a sequence B;A;A^;C you're free
> > to simply replace it with B;C (and vice versa) as an operation
> > distinct from commuting?
> Well, if you allow to replace parts of a sequence, then this means that
> for the purpose of your theory you regard the two versions of the
> sequence as equivalent. But this works out only if you can prove that
> the equivalence is structure preserving.
> Take the integers Z as an example, and for some fixed positive integer
> p, define n ~ m iff n%p = m%p ('%' means modulo; so this tells us that
> we can "drop" multiples of p from any number). This equivalence
> preserves the arithmetic structure, which is why we can regard Z_p as a
> Ring by doing the arithmetic on an arbitrary representative of the
> equivalence class. But it does not preserve the order structure of the
> integers.
> In your case, for two adjacent /sequences/ A;B, and equivalences A~A',
> B~B', we need to have that A;B commutes iff A';B' commutes. Now, suppose
> you have patches a;b;b^;c, where none of the adjacent pairs commute.
> You'd have to show that this implies that a;c commutes neither (taking
> e.g. A=[a] and B=[b;b^;c]). But you can't, since it is not true. A
> counter example consists of 3 hunks a, b, c, where a and b overlap, b
> and c overlap, but a and c do not overlap. More concretely, take the
> initial state as file f=[1,2,3] and
>   a=hunk f 1 [1] [1a]
>   b=hunk f 1 [1,2,3] [1b,2b,3b]
>   c=hunk f 3 [3] [3c]
> Cheers
> Ben

Sorry again for the slow reply.

I'm still not sure I understand the problem. I agree that in your
example, it's possible to commute [a] with [c] but not [a] with
[b;b^;c]. But it is possible to "rearrange" a;b;b^;c into b;b^;c;a if
"rearrange" is defined broadly enough to allow the following three
steps: a;b;b^;c -> a;c -> c;a -> b;b^;c;a.

So, I guess I am proposing to think in terms of "rearranging", not
"commuting", where "rearranging" means a sequence of the following
three kinds of operation: (a) commute; (b) introduce a patch and its
inverse together anywhere in the squence (c;a -> b;b^;c;a); and
eliminating an inverse pair (a;b;b^;c -> a;c). Or, maybe it would need
some other definition. It might simply mean finding *any* other path
with the same start and end contexts; I'm not sure.

I guess I should back this up by showing this notion of
"rearrangement" satisfies some properties? E.g. given a patch sequence
p1;p2;...;pn and a subset of those patches that someone wants to
obliterate, darcs currently has an algorithm to move that subset to
the end iff it's possible. I guess I should show that there's an
efficient algorithm to either "rearrange" the sequence so that the
subset to be obliterated is at the end, or determine that no such
rearrangement is possible.

I still haven't done the homework I assigned myself (the three "next
steps" from my Sept 1 email).

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