On Mon, 2 May 2022 22:27:22 +0200
Marcos Cruz <darcs_users_l...@programandala.net> wrote:

> Karl O. Pinc escribió/skribis/wrote/scrit (2022-04-29T13:58:58-0500):
> > LC_TIME=en_DK.UTF-8 darcs log
> > Using the stock debian 10 darcs (2.14.5) this does not do anything.
> > Try it with the newer darcs and if it does not work please
> > complain. :)  
> Thanks, but it does not work for me either (newer Darcs compiled on
> Debian 10.12). I also edited </etc/locale.conf> and
> </etc/default/locale> after the locales documentation: the value of
> `LC_TIME` changes after rebooting, as expected, but it makes no
> difference; even `date` ignores it. I'll investigate further.
> I guess Darcs uses the date format of the current locale and there's
> no way to change that.

I don't really know, but was under the impression that changing
LC_TIME is supposed to change the date format of the current locale.

This would be a convenient way to frob the log timestamp, but
it looks like darcs does not pay attention to LC_TIME.  

(Or I'm just not understanding how localization is supposed to work.
Or even if it did work it'd be hackery and there's supposed to be
a better way.  Or...)


Karl <k...@karlpinc.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein
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