Hi Ingo et al,

Exciting to see the continued work. I love the idea of working
diagonally on x-trans, rather than replicating Bayer methods. The
fringes on thin tree branches (as in example 1) have been a recurring
artifact for me in Markesteijn demosaic for me. I've used color
smoothing and median filtering on them, but also have had to
post-process by hand (e.g. desaturate bright magentas/greens). It
doesn't look like either algorithm has that great a time with such fine

The Markesteijn results do look sharper. Not always for the best, e.g.
the neutral background in example 4 is notably smoother in Liebhardt

The results of Markesteijn through the default darktable pipeline look
so much nicer than straight dcraw output, I assume the Liebhardt
algorithm would be similarly improved.

Ingo: Have you read the ChromaSoft blog entries on X-Trans demosaicing?
(Starting at
and ongoing.) I found them elucidating about the various
options/trade-offs and extant algorithms.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2016, at 04:35 PM, johannes hanika wrote:
> hi ingo,
> very interesting. do you know why the shadow tone of the font on the
> toothpaste looks so different? looks like you're losing some contrast
> as compared to markesteijn? or is m. oversharpening?
> sad to see how the thin branches in the trees have these colourful
> fringes. i guess that would go away with colour smoothing/median
> filtering?
> cheers,
>  jo
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Ingo Liebhardt <ingo.liebha...@ziggo.nl>
> wrote:
> > Hi Dan, and of course all potentially interested in x-trans demosaicing,
> >
> > In the meanwhile, I continued work on my algorithm and it’s now sufficiently
> > stable that I can start -
> > 1. documenting it, and
> > 2. trying to make a branch off of marketable master, following your below
> > suggestion.
> >
> > As you might have seen from yesterday’s mails, I’m trying to start getting
> > accustomed to dark table’s code and to where to find what.
> >
> > If you’re interested, I prepared some sample images using the original
> > Markesteijn and my approach (all tif, as they come out of dcraw, so beware
> > of the large files):
> > https://www.dropbox.com/sh/un1y11uimbqxjjk/AAD3L-Rs9-ztwyBIm4rnCzK-a?dl=0
> >
> > A couple of further notes:
> > The algorithm itself is clear and succinct, no worries. Please don’t be
> > deceived by the code, which doesn’t look succinct… It is plain OpenCL host
> > code without any wrapper, and that is awfully verbose. Concerning the
> > kernels, some also don’t look succinct, but that’s because I tried to use
> > constants rather than the far more succinct calculation rules, already
> > bearing performance in mind.
> >
> > Actually, I managed to reach a better quality in the meanwhile by not only
> > interpolating horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally. This is
> > something that you can only do with x-trans, so an advantage when compared
> > to Bayer.
> > Unfortunately it came with a performance penalty (no surprise), but I’m
> > confident that there’s room for further performance improvement later on.
> > Presently I’m back to around 13 seconds :-(
> > I also dropped the iterative approach, as I could not guarantee convergence.
> > Some images were even deteriorating with more than one iteration, others
> > were barely improving. All in all not satisfactory, so the approach is now
> > non-iterative: no loop.
> >
> > One other comment: I think that even now, darktable’s x-trans support is
> > more than just experimental. Even many commercial raw converters have quite
> > some difficulties with these x-trans files…
> > Some commercial products try to hide these problems by quite a degree of
> > softening, but they’re still there.
> > You also might want to consider that even Bayer CFAs cause quite some moiré
> > and false colour artifacts if they don’t have an AA filter.
> > Doing some expectation management here ;-)
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ingo
> >
> >
> > Am 15.02.2016 um 04:47 schrieb Dan Torop <d...@pnym.net>:
> >
> > Hi Ingo,
> >
> > Interesting to hear about the speed. That sounds promising. Here my
> > not-that-spectacular laptop is running darktable's Markesteijn
> > 1-pass/3-pass demosaic in approx. 1.4sec./3.8sec. respectively on the
> > CPU for 16 MP images. But there's no reason to worry about optimization
> > this early on. The code only got that fast after it was heavily worked
> > over by Ingo Weyrich from the RawTherapee project. Ulrich Pegelow's
> > recent OpenCL implementation of Markesteijn is now making a significant
> > difference for those with the hardware.
> >
> > It strikes me that there are very few people out there with the
> > mathematical knowledge and focus to craft a new demosaicing algorithm
> > for a novel sensor. Well worth pursuing if you're one who can do this.
> > The ideal algorithm would be succinct and clear, of course, but is that
> > possible?
> >
> > If you're interested in darktable users testing it, one approach would
> > be to make a branch off of darktable master and add your work as an
> > alternative demosaic algorithm? This would give people in the dt
> > community an easy route to test it. Though it could also build
> > expectations for what is already only "experimental" x-trans support in
> > dt.
> >
> > As you write, despite the debatable virtues of x-trans, the cameras are
> > fine enough that it has become worth the work to deal with the sensors.
> > But so much knowledge and effort has gone into demosaicing Bayer sensors
> > that is hard to imagine that comparably fast and good algorithms for
> > x-trans anytime soon.
> >
> > It is striking to read the original patent application for the Bayer
> > sensor (https://www.google.com/patents/US3971065) and see how it was
> > envisioned to allow usable results from my very simple processing.
> > X-Trans seems much more a fly-by-wire version of a sensor, requiring all
> > sorts of intervention to produce decent output...
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Feb 14, 2016, at 01:04 PM, Ingo Liebhardt wrote:
> >
> > Hi Dan,
> >
> > To come back briefly on the profiling.
> >
> > After two passes there are indeed no further visible improvements in image
> > quality.
> >
> > With two passes and some more minor tweaking I’m now at 7.6 seconds with my
> > not too spectacular laptop hardware.
> >
> > I also tried DCI for red and blue reconstruction once the green is there,
> > but it didn’t look good at all. More false colour artifacts.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ingo
> >
> >
> > Am 08.02.2016 um 23:52 schrieb Dan Torop <d...@pnym.net>:
> >
> > Hi Ingo,
> >
> > This is quite interesting work to see... A x-trans demosaic algorithm
> > which is well described, high quality, open source, and fast is
> > something which I'm sure many people are awaiting. Though of course
> > having all of these qualities is a lot to ask! It's great to see
> > continued work on this, and in particular addressing the color
> > artifacts.
> >
> > How does the speed of your code when hooked into dcraw compare to 1-pass
> > or 3-pass Markesteijn via dcraw? The dt version of Markesteijn is about
> > 2-3x faster than dcraw's, if I recall right, but dcraw's Markesteijn
> > could still be a good basis of comparison.
> >
> > How much work would it be to make a CPU variant? So far as I know, all
> > of darktable is built to function on CPUs with the possibility of GPU
> > speed-up in certain cases.
> >
> > I can't speak for the dt core developers regarding their interest &
> > priorities, of course...
> >
> > Best,
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 8, 2016, at 03:42 PM, Ingo Liebhardt wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Congrats to version 2.0.1.
> >
> > Would you maybe be interested in an alternative approach to the Markesteijn
> > x-trans demosaicing?
> >
> > I see that for Bayer patterns you have a fast one, plus two different
> > high-quality ones (AMaZE and VNG4).
> >
> > The only high-quality one for x-trans seems to be Markesteijn.
> > I personally find that Markesteijn is producing very sharp results, but also
> > quite some false colour artifacts.
> > I’ve been playing around with an alternative approach, and I’m slowly
> > starting to get reasonable results. (even images with lots of green - always
> > problematic - start looking okay(ish)).
> >
> > If you want to have a look:
> > https://github.com/ILiebhardt/xtrans
> >
> > And some sample comparisons to Markesteijn, plus a brief explanation of the
> > idea:
> > https://www.storehouse.co/stories/b8sj2
> >
> > Don’t be mistaken by my version number: there’s still a lot of work to be
> > done, and I also still have quite some ideas for improvements…
> >
> > So at this stage I just want to carefully pre-inquire if there could be some
> > interest, in principle.
> >
> > Thanks a lot for letting me know.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ingo
> >
> >
> >
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