I am on openSUSE Leap 42.2 with gtk3 3.20.9 and dt 2.3.0+git309.0f2cfb2-1.1 also from Darix's repo. The problem is very real on my system but seen when working on older files and is not seen on my current images.


On 01/29/2017 05:02 AM, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Ulrich Pegelow <ulrich.pege...@tongareva.de> [01-29-17 03:41]:
I need to investigate a bit further. Different from what I thought before it
does not seem to be related to specific image dimensions. Several images in
a recent film roll crash immediately when opening them, many others lead to
a crash when switching images in the darkroom.

As I have just moved from OpenSUSE 13.2 to Leap 42.1 this might well be
related to gtk/x as many libraries are now updated.
I am on openSUSE Tumbleweed 20170127, gtk 3.22.7 and dt 0f2cfb2 from
Darix's repo w/o crashes.

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