On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:33 PM, Matthew Malthouse <calmeil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Roman,
> tl;dr  that worked.  Thank you.
Good :)

> I'm still baffled about what happened.
> Re-installing DT caused libexiv2-14 to be installed as a dependency and gave
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexiv2.so.14 etc.  No such files existed when I
> was looking before, although they obviously must have at some point and I
> assume that a prior install, subsequently damaged, was what dpkg.log was
> referring to.
> It's worrying that dpkg.log says that this was updated on Tuesday
> dpkg.log:2017-03-14 06:25:04 upgrade libexiv2-14:amd64 0.25-2.1
> 0.25-2.1ubuntu16.04.1
> but the only related files existed in /usr/local/lib.
> I can be confident that I didn't compile by hand, I almost never do these
> days and I think that trying to compile DT from source on Tuesday was the
> first time I'd done so on this particular machine  (started about 11:00, so
> hours after that entry in dpkg.log) in large part because I had to install
> the cmake tools to build the dependencies to build DT.
> I can only guess that some unrelated and dodgy package install did the
> breaking but have no clue what that might be.  Maybe I'll find out the next
> time I discover something that doesn't work.  :)
dpkg -S   is your friends here

> Cheers,
> Matthew
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