Pretty much the same here:

$ cd src/external/rawspeed && git status && cd -
HEAD detached at b3e302f
nothing to commit, working tree clean

$ git submodule status src/external/rawspeed
 b3e302fef323cda0e654af5afda2fa5409669b95 src/external/rawspeed (heads/

$ ll src/external/rawspeed/src/librawspeed/common/RawImage.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxx xxx 9878 Apr 26 12:50 src/external/rawspeed/src/librawspeed/


On Wednesday, 26 April 2017 2:03:36 PM AEST Chris Siebenmann wrote:
> > I'm having problems compiling darktable. This has been happening for
> > some time so is not just some recent change to the source.
> > 
> > Platform: Fedora 25, completely up-to-date.
> > 
> > The error is as follows:
> > 
> > <snip>
> > [ 21%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/lib_darktable.dir/common/
> >
> > /home/kmg/photography/darktable/src/common/
> > error: ‘RawImage’ has not been declared
> > 
> >  static dt_imageio_retval_t dt_imageio_open_rawspeed_sraw (dt_image_t
> >  *img,
> > 
> > RawImage r, dt_mipmap_buffer_t *buf);
> [...]
>  I'm also on Fedora 25 (fully updated), building darktable from source.
> For me, the RawImage type appears to be defined in
>       src/external/rawspeed/src/librawspeed/common/RawImage.h
> What 'cd src/external/rawspeed; git status' reports is:
>       HEAD detached at b3e302f
> and running 'git submodule status' itself reports mostly the same thing:
>       ; git submodule status
>        b3e302fef323cda0e654af5afda2fa5409669b95 src/external/rawspeed
> (heads/develop-739-gb3e302f)
>       - cks
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