Am Mittwoch, 18. April 2018, 18:40:25 CEST schrieb openhab.doc:
> Hello Ulrich,
> I saw you replay at the other  thread, but until now I didn't have the time
> to check.
> I'm using Manjaro Linux. In the in folder ./doc I can find the
> following list of packages which I have to install to build the user
> manual.
>  - Java JDK, `gnome-doc-utils`, Saxon 6.5.x, FOP and ImageMagick
>  - `xsltproc` and the DocBook XML DTD and XSL stylesheets
> On my system I have installed:
> * jdk8-openjdk
> * gnome-doc-utils (Version 0.20.10+16+gc03cc09-1)
> * saxon-he (Version

You need saxon 6.5. The docbook styles are not compatible with saxon-he.

> * fop (Version 2.2-1)
> * ImageMagick (Version
> * DocBook-xml (Version 4.5-6)
> * DocBook-xsl (Version 1.79.2-4)
> and
> additionally docbook-xsl-saxon (Version 1.00-3)
> I did not found and I have not installed the package *xcltproc!*
> Where can I find the package *xcltproc?*
> Or is it a vault of the saxon-he package?
> Thanks
> Pierre
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