On Mon, May 27, 2019, at 13:08, François Tissandier wrote:
> I think I'm maybe seeing the same kind of pb with the Sony A7RII and 
> A7RIII matrix. I always had problems with dark blues on the Sony 
> cameras, and I'm often changing the base curve to "neutral" to avoid 
> having big issues.

The weird blue is an issue for Olympus (and Panasonic?) cameras with Sony 
sensors, too. The problem is somewhat mitigated when the basecurve module is 
repositioned after the input color module, as is the case in current 
development versions. This doesn't fix the skintone issue of the OP, though. 
Ultimately, profiling with darktable-chart worked well for me; the profile 
produced no longer uses the basecurve, but the tone curve instead, and the 
color lookup table part of the profile also works well when using filmic 
instead of tone curve.

If RawTherapee is really using the same matrices, it would be interesting to 
find out what's being done differently (or additionally)...

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