> On 28 May 2019, at 01:11, Torsten Bronger <bron...@physik.rwth-aachen.de> 
> wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> Iain Wood writes:
>>> On 27 May 2019, at 19:40, Torsten Bronger <bron...@physik.rwth-aachen.de> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Iain Wood writes:
>>>> I have spent many hours attempting to reproduce fisheye-hemi
>>>> using lensfun inside darktable. I couldn't get anywhere close to
>>>> it.
>>> I don’t known how close you get, but "equirectangular" and
>>> "panoramic" are two projections that explicitly don’t address
>>> lens faults but should look good.
>> Yeah, tried those. They are better than nothing, but nowhere close
>> to fisheye-hemi.
> I am pretty sure that all that is really missing is the perspective
> correction of the image before the projection change.  Lensfun can
> already do that but it will take some time to bring it into DT.

Pretty sure that won't do it either. I have tried using the perspective 
correction module in combination with lens correction, and again, it helps, but 
gets nowhere near fisheye-hemi. It looks like lensfun perspective correction 
offers similar functionality, where the transforms are all linear along any 
given axis.

This is a check pattern fed through fisheye-hemi: 
<http://soulflyer.co.uk/grid-small-fisheye-hemi.jpg> (sorry its a bit painful 
to look at, I should have used grey not black and white) 
I'm pretty sure that no combination of barrel distortion, pincushion distortion 
and perspective correction could produce that effect.  I've certainly spent a 
long time trying, in darktable, gimp and a few other places. Hugin might be 
able to do it, but the setup required would be complicated. I might be able to 
get imagemagick to do it too. But what makes fisheye-hemi so useful is that it 
is a one click process, and part of the workflow for programs that support it. 

This really would be a very useful addition for those that like to use fisheye 
lenses for the wide field of view rather than the artistic distortion they 

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