More grist for the mill...

On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 08:58:33 +1000, Terry Duell <> wrote:

Hello All,

On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 09:42:54 +1000, Terry Duell <> wrote:

Some more info that may help with this issue.
I just downgraded to a build of dt that I made on 25 Sep, and performance is back to what I have been used to, so I am guessing that something changed in dt source since that version that impinges on performance, or something has changed on my system that has affected subsequent builds??

My build from 25th Sep (with OpenMP on) is now locking up, and I have to force a quit, so downgraded again to a build from 23rd Sep and that is doing the same. I never had any of these issues with those builds previously, so it is beginning to look like something has changed on my system that is affecting this. I'll do a new build of the current master, with OpenMP off, and see how that behaves.

Terry Duell
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