
I'm using darktable for quite a while now but shortly I got a new Pentax
camera with the ability to produce Pixelshift-RAWs to achieve a improved

Searching on the internet I found that the issue of darktable being able
to handle such Pentax RAW-files with Pixelshift has already been
discussed between 2 and 3 years ago.

But nowhere I could find if this was anytime implemented into darktable.

I can open such a raw file from my camera with darktable but nowhere I
could find any hint, if darktable really uses the information from the
four raw-pictures in the file or just the first one.

So does anybody here know, if darktable is able to use such Pixelshift
RAW-Files from Pentax with all information in the file, or if this was
just discussed but not implemented yet?

Thanks for any hints or information.


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