Hello Patrick,

On Sun, 2021-11-14 at 23:43 -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au> [11-14-21 23:35]:
> > Hello All,
> > I have just completed a Fedora 34 rpm build of darktable release-3.7.0-1493-
> > g4a7774f95, which completed without any errors, but when I attempted to
> > install
> > I got the message 'nothing provides libraw.so.22', which followed on from a
> > check of all the normal Fedora repos.
> > So the indications are that this version of darktable depends on
> > libraw.so.22,
> > but that version doesn't seem to be available.
> > Can anyone provide advice on what might be needed to build and/or install?
> build the executables when you compile rather than making an rpm to
> install.  The rpm fails for me on openSUSE Tumbleweed also missing
> libraw22, but the executables from the compile/build are functional.
> libraw22 will appear but apparently not yet

OK, thanks for your advice.
I only build and install rpms, so I'll have to wait.

Terry Duell <tdu...@iinet.net.au>

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