Hi All,
I sent this originally to 'users' which may not be the correct list - so
apologies for multi posting.

1. Thanks for all the work done to get us 3.8.0
2. Great to see Bruce Williams back online despite having a difficult year
- all the best Bruce.

To business - sorry this is a long email, I'm not assuming you have time to
read this.

Fresh install of Darktable from Arch Repository on EndeavourOS Gnome -
OpenCL running (to start with see *)
These may be problems with the package made for Arch (Q. is this likely the

1. Import *CR3* files (Canon R5 - 10 images in a folder) - give four images
a star value - open one image - select RAW overexposure indicator -
Darktable shuts down after showing working message for a very short time
(0.5 secs)

Thought I'd check if this was a CR2 thing

2. Attempt a *CR2* import (folder of 18 images) - import starts and shows a
few files in lightable then Darktable shuts down. Reopen DT, go to open the
Collection in lightable that caused the crash - catalogue starts to open
(looks like import may have finished despite the DT interface crashing part
way through) then DT closes again.

*I have found that I can successfully work around 1 and 2 if I turn off
OpenCL (I installed the rocm-opencl-runtime)

3. Watermark problems (CR3)
With OpenCl off (as described above) ... processed one image ... attempted
to add a watermark
1. Can't see .png file in the selection menu - (darktable, hasselblad,
promo and simple text svg selection only)
2. Simple Text interface works fine but text doesn't show on image in
darkroom view
In lighttable view no watermark but if I selectively copy and paste to
three other images in the same folder (collection) the watermark now shows
on all image in lighttable view but not darkroom view for any of them. Go
back to lightable view and watermark not visible again.

4. Thought I would try the RAW overexposure indicator on CR2 with OpenCL on
Select CR2 collection, pick one image in lighttable, go to options and turn
on OpenCL. Thought I had best restart DT so shutdown and reopen DT and DT
shows the interface, a grey square where the selected image would be in
lighttable then crashes. Tried 5 times - crashes in same way five times.

I'm on an Intel i7-9700KF CPU with Radeon RX 5500XT graphics card

As asked above, Is this likely to be a package problem? Should I attempt my
own build from the instruction on the darktable site (not experienced at

I'm also investigating if OpenCl is correctly installed but the DT prompt
on finding OpenCl usable appeared when I started DT after installing
rocm-opencl-runtime (I tried opencl-amd first but this didn't give a
successful install as it has for me on previous distros - I'm coming back
to linux after 6 months on Windows - previously used Manjaro  and have used
Ubuntu  successfully with DT). clinfo showed devices after the rocm install.

All these issues appeared within my first 10 mins of using 3.8.0 today
Any advice would be gratefully received.

I'm no guru but I'll be demonstrating DT a photo club workshop in Feb so I
want to know what can and can't do in front of my club without looking a
total pillock 😀

Thanks again

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