Hi everybody,

I'd like to create a lua script that adds a new storage target that will export the image(s) into a directory (just like the file target) and do some additional things after that (add a selectable category tag, open in file manager/explorer, etc.). The goal is to make targets to export for a "publishing service" (facebook, instagram, etc.) and put the exported images into a dedicated folder and add the category to mark them as published on that service. (some kind of Lightrooms publishing services....;-) )

My idea is to have a export preset for each service because then I could store the file size, output folder etc. in the presets. But I have no idea how to store the additional fields that come with the new storage into that preset. All scripts I tried so far do not support this. Is it possible at all? Or is there something like a "re/store preset hook" that allows me to load/save my own stuff according to the preset name?

I know that the script usually store their stuff in the preferences/darktablerc file while the presets are stored in the database. So maybe this won't work at all.

Does anyone have an idea if/how I could realize this? Ok, I could add a completely new lib that does the export and give them the needed controls for the file size and destination. But that would eventually double the export and preset mechanism completely.

Thanks in advance!

Christian Birzer

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