
As a new comer to raw image development, I figured the best way to learn is to look at what others have done and see what I like. I found a tar.gz file somewhere on the web that contains 46 styles.

Few questions:

1. Personally I don't think it's possible, but want to double check. If I find darktable styles on some random web site and apply those styles, will I face any security issues? In other words is there a possibility of getting hacked while using imported styles. As far as I could see styles are XML documents and just set the parameters of the modules and contain no executable code.

2. I would like to apply the style and export the results and then compress history stack, apply next style and repeat. My initial goal is to find out what style I like and see how that style is built and experiment with style modules. Can I script this - apply and export part and loop around all available styles? It becomes cumbersome to repeat same process for all 46 styles and lot of images.



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