Am 27.11.2016 um 11:00 schrieb Rico Heil:
Am 26.11.2016 um 18:11 schrieb Niccolò Belli:
You will probably get better performance saving some bucks on the CPU
and buying a very fast GPU for OpenCL acceleration. Something like the
RADEON RX 480 would be an optimal solution because of FOSS drivers,
but you will have to use the AMDGPU-PRO driver until Clover Image
support gets mainlined (hopefully soon).

I was planning to use Intel chipset graphics without buying an
additional GPU at all.
Can darktable use OpenCL with those?

Intel graphics does not have a working OpenCL implementation for Linux systems. There is the free beignet driver around since quite some time but that is still buggy and so far nobody has been able to get it working with darktable.

If yes: how much performance improvement would be expected if I add an
additional graphics board?

I doubt that integrated graphics chips will come close to the performance win you can expect from a decent NVIDIA or AMD graphics card. A modern graphics card in the cost range of 200 to 300€ will probably give you a speed-up during export of 3 to 10 times during export, compared to a modern CPU. Of course this depends on the modules you are using. The more computational expensive the bigger the gap. IMHO the most important point is the latency you experience during interactive work when you change module settings. YMMV, but here it makes a quite noticable difference; between waiting a bit with each parameter change and a mostly fluent way of working.


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