On 30/11/16 09:58, Jimmy Gowrisanker wrote:
Based on the instructions
 , I took 9
shots (auto0:Keep white-reduce warm colours, auto1:normal, auto1: keep warm 
colours, Incan, FL,
Sunlight, flash, cloudy and shade). What do I do now? I seem to be lost !

There's a few different scripts floating around to help you extract the white balance info from your images. Here's what I do:

Download latest exiftool from http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ the first link will do. I find the version in Ubuntu is too old.

sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-nokogiri
mkdir wd && cd wd
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/Image-ExifTool-10.36.tar.gz  # this is the exiftool 
export PATH=$PATH:~/wd/Image-ExifTool-10.36
git clone https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable.git
cd <directory with your white balance images>
rm -rf ~/white_balance.txt
for file in *; do ~/wd/darktable/tools/extract_wb "$file" >> ~/white_balance.txt ; echo >> ~/white_balance.txt ; done

Now, have a look in the ~/white_balance.txt file. You will see the extracted white balance information for each image that you made. For me, I got more than one line per image, so I had to go through and select the one that was the setting that I set the camera to. Delete the other lines so you end up with one line per image.

Add a comment to the top of your file with camera name and version like this:

  /* Fujifilm X-T10 Firmware Version 1.21 */

Now, you can either just post this info into a redmine issue:


Or you can test them out first by copy/pasting them into the source code of darktable and building and installing to test. If you're running darktable 2.0.x, the instructions are here:


Version 2.2 rc is here:


After you check out the tag for the version you want to build, you need to copy your new white balance values into this file:


Then you build and install, and run your newly installed darktable by doing:


Make sure you back up your database before running your modified darktable 
version though!

cd ~/.config
cp -a ./darktable ./darktable.bak

Hope that helps! Also, you might want to consider shooting additional images with the white balance fine-tune settings on your camera (this is typically 19 images per white balance preset, though). This enables the fine tune slider in the white balance module of darktable which I find really useful.


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