Hi again

Oh my! I just found it in the manual! On page 67 in the pdf version, at the
end of section "3.3.7. Module groups", it says:

"Clicking on one of the group symbols will show the modules in that group.
If you once
again click on the symbol, grouping will be de-activated and all non-hidden
modules will be
shown in one long list. This list shows the sequence in which modules are
applied from bot-
tom to top. As a general principle darktable applies modules in a
pre-defined sequence."

I just tried and indeed, the complete ordered list is there.

The marvels of RTFM!



On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 5:09 PM Jordi Besora <jordi.besora.pe...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 1:45 PM Remco Viëtor <remco.vie...@wanadoo.fr>
> wrote:
> On dimanche 12 février 2017 11:45:36 CET Dave wrote:
> > They're applied from the bottom up ☝
> >
> > On Sun, 12 Feb 2017, 13:38 Jordi Besora, <jordi.besora.pe...@gmail.com>
> >
> > wrote:
> > > "*Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better*" - Jim Rohn
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm working on my workflow and I want to adapt it to the way darktable
> > > works. To that effect, I've been looking for information on the order
> the
> > > modules are applied, but I can't find it anywhere.
> > >
> > > I've been checking this mailing list, where the subject has been
> discussed
> > > (always with the wrong approach in mind, IMHO) plenty of times, but
> didn't
> > > find any ordered list of modules. And the darktable website does not
> > > feature a search button.
> > >
> > > So, my question is: can you provide a list with all the modules
> ordered in
> > > the order in which they are applied?
> To be a bit more precise:
> Modules are applied from the bottum up, using the list in the tab with the
> "power on/off" symbol (circle with vertical line)
> Thank you, Remco and Dave for your quick anser!
> So, the order in which darktable applies its modules is this:
> Order Module Group
> 1 raw black/white poing Basic group
> 2 invert Basic group
> 3 white balance Basic group
> 4 highlight reconstruction Basic group
> 5 chromatic aberrations Correction group
> 6 hot pixels Correction group
> 7 raw denoise Correction group
> 8 demosaic Basic group
> 9 denoise (profiled) Correction group
> 10 tone mapping Tone group
> 11 exposure Basic group
> 12 spot removal Correction group
> 13 lens correction Correction group
> 14 perspective correction Correction group
> 15 liquify Correction group
> 16 orientation Basic group
> rotate pixels
> scale pixels
> Correction group
> 17 graduated density Effects group
> 18 base cruve Basic group
> 19 denoise (bilateral filter) Correction group
> 20 unbreak input profile Color group
> 21 input color profile Color group
> 22 color reconstruction Basic group
> 23 color look up table Color group
> 24 defringe Correction group
> 25 vibrance Color group
> 26 color balance Color group
> 27 crop and rotate Basic group
> 28 colorize Effects group
> 29 color mapping Effects group
> 30 bloom Effects group
> 31 denoise (non-local means) Correction group
> 32 global tonemap Tone group
> 33 shadows and highlights Basic group
> 34 equalizer Correction group
> 35 local contrast Tone group
> 36 color zones Color group
> 37 lowlight vision Effects group
> 38 monochrome Color group
> 39 contrast brightness saturation Basic group
> 40 zone system Tone group
> 41 tone curve Tone group
> 42 levels Tone group
> 43 fill light Tone group
> 44 color correction Color group
> 45 sharpen Correction group
> 46 lowpass Effects group
> 47 highpass Effects group
> 48 grain Effects group
> 49 color contrast Color group
> 50 output color profile Color group
> 51 channel mixer Color group
> 52 soften Effects group
> 53 vignetting Effects group
> 54 split toning Effects group
> 55 velvia Color group
> 56 framing Effects group
> 57 watermark Effects group
> 58 dithering Correction group
> As you can see, there are two modules I don't know exactly where they are
> applied, but must be after "liquify" and before "denoise (bilateral
> filter)", from the "Correction group". Does anyone know exactly where they
> are placed?
> Within each group, modules are also applied from bottom to top.
> Once you apply modules to your picture, you can look at the "active
> modules group" and you'll see the order they have been applied.
> Unfortunately, there's no easy way to know in advance the order in which
> they will be applied to your picture, not on the software, nor in the
> documentation. I think it would be useful to have that information
> published somewhere.
> To obtain the list above I activated all modules on a duplicate, opened
> the "active modules group" and transcribed the names to a table, bottom to
> top. The order in my list is top to bottom, and numbered to avoid confusion.
> Can someone in the know confirm that the list is correct and complete? Or
> correct me otherwise?
> Thank you.

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