Try changing the 'input color profile' ... the 'linear XYZ' appears to
make for a reasonable starting profile, some of the other profiles may
also be of interest ... the infrared is different!!


On 02/25/2017 11:18 AM, Tim Rolph wrote:
> Before anyone points out the error, darktable-chart produces a style that 
> contains a color-lut and tone curve that either corrects that image to look 
> like the refernce image, whether that be in camera jpeg or another processors 
> output ie CaptureOne or just the reference data for your color chart. and not 
> an icc profile.
> Tim.
> On Saturday, 25 February 2017 18:29:58 GMT Tim Rolph wrote:
>> Hello, the card I use is two sided, it has white grey and black on one side
>> and the standard 24 colors on the other and yes you can use Adobe DNG to
>> produce a color profile for use in Lightroom and rawtherapee. However I use
>> it mostly for a custom WB in camera on my 14 year old DSLR canon it is just
>> a matter of taking one full frame image of the WB side of the card and then
>> telling the camera to use the custom WB image. Of course you need to change
>> images if the lighting changes significantly and you can also use it within
>> dt with the spot wb option.
>> While on the subject of colour profiles I have recently used the excellent
>> darktable-chart programme to create a profile and tone curve using a wolf
>> faust it8 scanner calibration target that I purchased for 15.00 euros back
>> in 2009 and I can say it is better that any other profile that I have
>> produced using any other method.
>> Tim.
>> On Saturday, 25 February 2017 16:10:36 GMT Remco Viëtor wrote:
>>> On samedi 25 février 2017 01:38:01 CET Marcus Sundman wrote:
>>>> Well, first we need sensible support for color cards in darktable. (Now
>>>> you have to go through crazy many hoops to set your whitebalance from a
>>>> color card, including multiple import/export and profile generation in
>>>> an external program and custom command line tools and whatnot.)
>>> First you need a correctly calibrated and profiled screen (and printer if
>>> you plan on printing). Without that, you'd have to work strictly by the
>>> numbers, because there's no way you can visualise the final result. (OK,
>>> if
>>> you publish on the web, >90% of the viewers won't have a profiled screen,
>>> but at least you know how it should look)
>>> Then, setting your white balance from a *colour* card is looking for
>>> trouble (if it is at all possible to get any decent white balance from
>>> such a card).
>>> As has been said already, for a white balance, you need a neutral spot in
>>> your image: light or dark gray, but not white or black. (Such a spot can
>>> of
>>> course be a *neutral* spot on your colour card). Remember that 'setting
>>> the
>>> white balance' means changing the ratios green/red and green/blue (in
>>> practice, green is set to 1.0, and the red and blue channels are
>>> multiplied
>>> by one value each, depending on colour temperature and tint, DT _shows_
>>> those multipliers in the white balance module, and allows you to change
>>> them directly).
>>> When you have that neutral spot in your image, in DT it's just a matter of
>>> choosing the "spot" mode in the white balance module and select a
>>> rectangle
>>> on the neutral spot.
>>> The colour patches are used to create a *camera profile*, and yes, this
>>> needs an external programme (or two), just like screen or printer
>>> profiling. *Unlike* screen and printer profiling, it's something that's
>>> mostly needed for very colour critical work. (the few times I bothered
>>> with
>>> a camera profile, the results with a custom profile were identical or
>>> nearly identical to the default profile and I had no way to show which was
>>> better) And when you get to that level, you also have to be very careful
>>> about your lights all having the same colour, as the colour of the
>>> incoming
>>> lights influences what the camera "sees".
>>> And just a small question: is there *any* raw developer that includes the
>>> possibility to generate an input profile from a colour card?
>>> Remco
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