Where is the test file?

On 2017-05-01 06:23, Peter Mc Donough wrote:

I've been toying with Fedora 25 and ubuntu 16.04.2 in Virtualbox with XFCE as GUI. Both updated . (The ampgpu-Pro option calls)

In Fedora
exiv2-libs 0.25-3.fc24

When I export in Darktable a casio.jpg - crash.
In virtual Ubuntu, no problem, and neither in my host Tumbleweed.
Both use exiv2 0.25, too.

I had a similar problem with opensuse with exiv2 023.x and the problem was solved with a patch and later when moving to exiv2 0.25.x.

I'd like to find out whether the problem is with Fedora or some interaction with  Virtualbox. Presently I don't have a "real" Fedora running, so a volunteer who tries a casio.jpg in his Fedora 25 could help


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