On mardi 14 novembre 2017 08:21:13 CET Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:
> Hi,
> If you want really to do something "after", then do it "outside".
> You can do that in GIMP and you can even use the existing lua script to
> call GIMP directly from dt.
> Jean-Luc

Of course that's an option, but I'd like to do that kind of things /before/ 
the jpeg encoding step, but after the resampling/downsizing. (*)

The reasoning behind it is that you can do sharpening based on the image in 
the normal edit flow, independent of your final output size, then do a 
'correction' after downsizing. The amount of that correction will depend on 
the size of the output (in pixels), but also on the output medium (screen will 
have a different amount of sharpening as print, and there it can depend on the 
final surface as well).


(*): it's of course possible to export as png from darktable, and then from 
GIMP export as jpg. But output sharpening is the kind of thing that's used on 
*all* images, so if it could be done through darktable, that would be nice...

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