Am 04.02.2018 um 23:38 schrieb Robert Bieber:
> Oh yeah, I'm just talking about the price of the CPU, not the whole PC. I'm 
> planning on doing all out on RAM and solid state drives as well. I guess GPU 
> might be of some concern as well, how has GPU processing in dark table on 
> Linux been going lately? I know it exists, but I'm always scared of anything 
> to do with graphics drivers on Linux

I am using i7-7700k with NVIDIA GTX 750Ti. There is a 30% performance 
improvement in the pixelpipe when using NVIDIA with opencl compared to CPU 
only. And the GTX 750Ti is not the fastet card. So I  guess that you can speed 
up DT easily by 50% with the proper graphics card. 


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