Am Freitag, 9. Februar 2018, 21:53:37 CET schrieb Jean-Luc Lacroix:
> I have compiled dt using the but when I run darktable --version
> I get
> this is darktable 2.4.0
> copyright (c) 2009-2017 johannes hanika
> compile options:
>    bit depth is 64 bit
>    normal build
>    SSE2 optimized codepath enabled
>    OpenMP support enabled
>    OpenCL support enabled
>    Lua support disabled
>    Colord support disabled
>    gPhoto2 support disabled
>    GraphicsMagick support disabled
>    OpenEXR support disabled
> I have lua 5.2 and 5.3 installed.
> How can I compile with all options enabled.

Try deleting the build/ folder and then run the build script again.

> Jean-Luc


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