Oh damn... there is a tiny scroll bar on the LEFT ( 🤦♂) side of that panel. Hovering over that makes it possible to scroll.


Op 13-05-18 om 10:56 schreef Bernhard:

kneops schrieb am 13.05.2018 um 09:50:
I know there is a button to compress history stack in the darkroom window, but when I have a rather large number of actions in the history panel, I can't reach / scroll to that button. It's 'out of sight' for me to press. I know I can go back to the lighttable window and discard history stack from there, but is there no way to delete a history stack in the darkroom window? Or perhaps place that button at the top of that panel instead of below.
Why not scroll the left panel to a position you can see the button?

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