Romano Giannetti schrieb am 11.10.2018 um 11:09:
On 10/10/18 15:08, Willy Williams wrote:

I have three laptops on which Darktable is installed; two Windows 10 and one Ubuntu Linux.  I generally sync the two Windows computers' photos folders, including JPEGs, RAW files and XMP sidecar files. I've begun to wonder if I'm shooting myself in the foot by doing so. The question is this - are the sidecar files closely tied to an internal Darktable database on the computer where the work was done? Am I making the dog's breakfast of things by syncing files and in doing so, inadvertently getting the sidecar files out of sync with the unique database associated with each computer?

I use synchronized photo folders too; the important thing is to have set the option (in core option group) "look for updated xmp files on startup". When you open you darktable on the other machine, it will ask if you want to reload the XMPs or rewrite them; answer "reload" and voilá, all is going well.

not really. As long as you work on the fixed pool of images - yes. But if you add images or delete some of them - darktable on the other computers will not know about those images/absence of the images.
So you should also sync the database.

In wrote an article about this (German language) here:

deepL translation:
Image archive on 2 computers - Synchronization of the darktable configuration

published on 12.11.2015

Those who edit and especially manage their images in a workflow software will sooner or later face the problem: Which files/directories have to be saved in order to transfer all edits, settings and keywords etc. to a new computer?

But it can also be useful "in daily operation" to know about it. I myself use two computers at the same time:

    a powerful desktop computer: I don't want to have to do without the comfort of a large screen, good computing power, a good keyboard/mouse when I work longer on the computer. I could do the same with a laptop and a docking station, but

    I use a laptop for travelling. This laptop is not suitable as a replacement for the above-mentioned computer, not even with a docking station, because it is not "bred" for high computing power, because I am often on the road for a long time without mains supply, and then electricity consumption is an important issue.

Back to the data: When using darktable as workflow software, the files have to "fit together" at 3 locations in the computer and therefore have to be transferred together and completely when changing from one computer to another:

    of course the image files themselves: RAW files (or, if there are no RAW files, the corresponding jpg or tif files) together with the corresponding .xmp files

    the configuration directory of the program, which contains two things:

        Database: Contains first the same information about the individual images as they are stored in the .xmp files, but additionally also information that is not stored in a single image, e.g. groupings of photos.

        Program settings: Everything you can set yourself, such as export settings and directories, presets for individual development modules, default settings for metadata (copyright notices, etc.), automatically applied default settings when importing images, etc.

    the cache directory: here the preview images are stored for fast display at the light table.

This results in the following 3 paths whose contents have to be saved and transferred:


For the synchronization itself I use FreeFileSync.

(... and by the way the parallel data storage on two different computers results in a first step to prevent data loss :). …).

Translated with
If you do like this ANY change  will be known in any darktable installation.

Problem in your case is:
The darktable database stores the location of all the images in the filesystem. With different operating systems the locations / path are not compatible between the different computers - so in your case this will most probably NOT work.



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