I am looking at the following scenario:
I would like to use darktable for different "projects" or whatever you want to call them.
I would like each project to have its own library.db. I would keep a shared data.db.
Projects are relatively small (100-500 images) and I expect to have many such projects.
It can probably be easily done by starting darktable from command line with --library option.
But what I would ideally like to have is a customized Lua interface where I can switch between projects,
i.e activate a different database without leaving and restarting darktable.
I do not care about having all images in a "global" library.db since I am not using darktable as a Catalog.
Has anybody done such thing or does anybody have some advise ??
(I only just started looking at Lua) 
Jozef Dassen

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