On Tue, 2019-05-14 at 06:40 +0200, Reto wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 03:42:55PM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > PLEASE post large files/images to a file sharing service rather
> > than send
> > them to everyone on the list, many who may not be interested and
> > other who
> > may be on measured service and you drive up their cost.
> It's 164 KB... not "large". Plus if you are on a metered service, why
> would you download the attachment at all?
> Most of the email clients allow you to not download "large" messages.
> It wouldn't make a difference to put it in a different site, as you
> *still* wouldn't be able to look at it if you are afraid of the data
> consumption.
> So the end effect is the same
> Just my 2c

Pay no attention, Patrick keeps sending these kind of letters everybody
who uses "Add Attachment" button. Very few can understand logic behind
it )))


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