And, in reverse .... just look at the map and you should see all of the images within your defined area. Isn't the the whole point of geo-tagging?

On 2019-06-04 3:59 p.m., jys wrote:
On Tue, Jun 4, 2019, at 15:18, Shawn wrote:
What's the best way to suggest?
Probably by creating an enhancement request here:

Hope we can get this added.
Seems 99% of the code is already there, just need to create query
language for geotagging field.
Yeah, I took a look at collect.c and realized that while just adding Lat and 
Lon properties wouldn't be too hard, this wouldn't sit too well with the way 
the filtering currently works, for the reasons you describe... but I agree that 
being able to use those with the same operators that work with ISO, etc would 
be great. Potentially a GUI in the form of a bounding box on the map could 
eventually be added.

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