The camera sensor capture quite a flat recording of the scene and this is
later processed through a base curve to make it look closers to what we saw
with our eyes. This happens with any typical raw -> img conversion. They
way our eyes "see" and the way a sensor works are different so some mapping
(base curve) is required.

Rawtherapee applies a very minimal processing to the RAW file after the
demosaicing. The pictures you get from rawtherapee with RT on open are dull
and pale (this is intentional). DT instead tries to apply a base curve
similare to the one applied by the camera manufacturer by default.

So you should take a few pictures both in RAW format and JPEG format in the
camera (using the sRGB colorspace setting). Now open both and see if there
is any significant difference. Also open the JPEG file with a simple/basic
image viewer program (the default one from your OS) and see if the jpeg
appears different from DT.

For JPEG files you should see no difference between DT, RT and the basic
image viewer. Is this the case?

If you have a custom monitor color profile (ICC), if you are using the
Adobe RGB colorspace in the camera, or other special settings the issue may
be different.

Which OS, DT version are you using? Please share a RAW file, or a RAW/JPEG
pair, as an example.



Il giorno ven 7 giu 2019 alle ore 16:27 spiritsparrow <> ha scritto:

> Hi there,
> I've been using darktable for about a year now and overall I'm very happy
> that it exists. However One thing I can't wrap my head around:
> Images often are displayed and exported darker than they are. I realise
> that there are setting like base curve etc. and some are automatically
> applied. But there has to be a major error in my thinking or the settings.
> When I open the same image (I mostly have RAW and some jpgs) in Raw
> Therapee or other program it is displayed "as photographed".
> I don't even really understand why it seems that there has to be a base
> curve in many cases. When it is set to "zero" the picture should also be
> displayed with close simliarity to how it was photoghraphed, not darker.
> Sorry - I might be blind to an obvious aspect. But I just don't get it,
> have some years experience with similar software and photography.
> Looking forward to a reply. It would be great to finally solve this, as I
> think the program is really great .
> C
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