Niranjan is right, August is right, but I'm also right.
They talk about "tags". I'm talking about "folders":

DT 2.6.2 Ubuntu 18.04

collect images/tags: a group includes sub-items only when you use wildcards (..|%).

collect iamges/folders: a root-folder includes sub-folders without wildcards.


Am 21.09.19 um 19:19 schrieb Bernhard:
no - unless this has changed in recent versions of dt.
In dt 2.4.4. it is as Niranjan described and has to be used as August explained.



Frank J. schrieb am 21.09.19 um 18:02:
Don't be confused: The behavior of tag hierarchy is different to the bevavior in "collect images / folders".

If you select a root-folder you also see the images from the sub-folders without needing a wildcard.


Am 20.09.19 um 04:58 schrieb August Schwerdfeger:
If you select a tag from the hierarchical view, it will only collect
images with the exact tag that was selected ('family' in this case).

If you want to show images from more than one tag at a time, you have to
type a wildcard ('family|%' in this case) into the text box.

August Schwerdfeger

On 9/19/19 9:15 PM, Niranjan Rao wrote:
If I have tag structure like family|member1 and family|member2, if I
select member1 or member2 I see corresponding images. However if I was
selecting family, I was expecting to see union of member1 and member2
set - or all the photos under family node. It does not show anything
as all the images are hierarchical in this case.

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