On Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 04:25:32PM -0800, jys wrote:
> >
> > > First of all I wonder why the dtstyle created by darktable-chart 
> > > includes the module "input color profile".
> Probably to make sure the input profile being used with the 
> applied style is the same one that was used to create the style 
> in the first place, otherwise the results won't be valid. Did 
> you create the style using a camera RAW file and its associated 
> "standard" color matrix?

I created the dtstyle from a regular JPEG file, not RAW image; 
I'm experimenting with scanner color balance, not camera 

Indeed it seems that I have to deal with the "input color 
profile" of my source images. The one added by darktable-chart is 
wrong and must be replaced.

To be more clear, this is the workflow that now works:

1) Make a scan of the ColorChecker chart, open it in Darktable, 
assign the most appropriate "input color profile" (which was 
"linear Rec2020 RGB" in my case) export the image in PFM float 
format, Lab color profile.

2) Get a reference image of the same ColorChecker chart, i.e. one 
image with exactly calibrated colors. Export this image too in 
PFM float, Lab.

3) Launch darktable-chart and use image #1 as "source image" and 
image #2 as "reference values". Process the images and save the 
resulting dtstyle. NOTICE: darktable-chart will include an "input 
color profile" into the style, called "standard color matrix" 
which is indeed wrong. We will replace it later.

4) Launch Darktable, import the dtstyle created at step #3.

5) Open the image to be color balanced, apply the proper "input 
color profile" (again it was "linear Rec2020 RGB" in my case).

6) Apply the style imported in step 4 to the image and check the 
history of the image: remove the last "input color porfile" 
applied by the style. The image should now be correctly balanced.

7) Save the image history as a new style, this is the only one 
that you will apply to all other images.

Happy Color Balancing!

Niccolo Rigacci - http://www.rigacci.net/
Campi Bisenzio - Firenze - Italy
Tel. Mobile: +39-327-5619352
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