
On Tue, 28 Jul 2020, 07:17 Jan Ingwer Baer, <jib...@web.de> wrote:

> I am a little bit confused about Filmic RGB and the handling of colors:
> On many/most of my pictures using filmic rgb with the default value for
> 'preserve chrominance' (= 'RGB power norm') makes the colors very flat.
> After switching the 'preserve chrominance' to 'no' the colors are back.
> But on some pictures, it is reversed: The default value gives nice
> colors, but switching to 'no' makes flat colors. Can anybody explain
> this behavior to me?

Yes, colours may get desaturated (3.2 will improve on that), and the
algorithm that works best may vary.

You may want to try the style demonstrated by darktable developer Aurélien
Pierre here:

Check out his other tutorials as well, and read some filmic discussion on



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