* hieke.vanhoogda...@gmail.com <hieke.vanhoogda...@gmail.com> [05-06-21 10:23]:
> Hi!
> Due to ransomware on my back-up NAS that synced with my laptop, I had to
> rebuild my entire laptop, including reinstalling DT. I lost my favourites so
> I started to mark the same modules I used to have in that group, but I can't
> find how to do that. I read that it's possible on 
> https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/en/module-reference/utility-modules/dar
> kroom/manage-module-layouts/ but when I hover over a module or click on the
> icons next to it, I can't find something like 'mark as favourite' anymore.

in master version, current layout of the modules does not have a
"favourites" listing.

you failed to mention which operating system and particular version of dt
which may be quite pertinent.

> How do I create my own list of favourites?

open dt
go to darkroom
below the histogram there is a bar, select the right-most icon
choose "manage presets"
add a module group and name it "favourites"
add preferred items

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
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