On 25/09/2021 11:05, Francesco Scaglioni wrote:
> FWIW : I have a GTX 1070 ( Ubuntu 20.04 ) and opencl makes a very
> significant difference for the better.
> On 25/09/2021 08:33, Jack Bowling wrote:
>> Looks like your system is stable at 2400MHz so I would leave it there.
>> However, I see you are running a GTX 1660 as am I. The best thing you
>> could do to speed up processing if you haven't done it already is to
>> activate opencl in darktable perferences. I run darktable on Ubuntu
>> 20.04 also but with opencl activated and it is noticeably faster than
>> leaving the processing to the cpu (not all modules have been
>> opencl-enabled, though).

Thanks for these hints, but sure, I'm using opencl already, that was the
only reason to get the GTX 1660 ;-)
Best regards,

Michael Staats
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