Hi Lorenzo,
       I certainly understand your desire to have a catlog system like 
Lightroom, however, the main focus and strength of DT is its editing 
capabilities. Maybe it is best to find a FOOS browser to organise and catalog 
your images and then when the images are located in the browers then use the 
open with function to open the image in DT for editing.

I too would love a browser like Lightroom's in DT, but not at the expense of 
speed or performance.

Maybe the people in this group would be able to share which FOOS browsers are 
available and would be best to use for your needs.

From: Bernhard <darkta...@intervalsignals.org>
Sent: Thursday, 7 October 2021 4:28 AM
To: darktable-user@lists.darktable.org <darktable-user@lists.darktable.org>; 
darktable-...@lists.darktable.org <darktable-...@lists.darktable.org>
Subject: Re: [darktable-user] Adding a browser

I think this would have many drawbacks ...

Why not simply use some sort of browser already there in the operating
system and then 'right-click' - 'open in darktable' to edit the photo
you like to work with?

Import has many funktions:
- make images indexable: search by EXIF-Values as well as Metadata =>
database is absolute must for adequate response times
- database stores edits (so they are double-saved)
- all imported images are also kept as previews in the cache folder and
kept in sync with the database.
Believe me - you do not want to wait for edited images been shown in a
preview or some sort of lighttable if every single picture must be
calculated every single time you open that folder ...
So for me the current concept makes sense.

just my 2ct




Lorenzo Fontanella schrieb am 06.10.21 um 17:58:
> Evening,
> I submit to you some considerations:
> DarkTable originated along the lines of Lightroom but with the purpose of
> remaining open source and making improvements over the same software from
> Adobe.
> Today the 2 softwares are almost alternative to each other.
> Using DT, I realize (and I'm always amazed) of some functions that other
> softwares dream of, I speak for example of the perspective correction
> module or of the color search table module that offers the possibility of
> selection in absolute values.
> However, this function is missing in DT as well as in Lightroom and for
> both of them, in my opinion, it is a reason to slow down the adoption of
> this software solution.
> I'm obviously talking about the lack of a browser integrated to the
> software that allows you to simply browse the folders of the HDD and open
> the images you want to edit.
> In this way you are bound to the import that if it must be done on many
> files at a time, slows down the whole process and discourages.
> I suggest adding a browser that allows you to browse the folders of the
> whole archive without having to import them.
> Once you have started to edit the file, obviously the development queue
> could be saved on sidecar files, if the modified images have not been
> imported.
> What do you think.
> For me it would be a double option that would facilitate the adoption of
> this great software by those who do not want to be forced to work with
> databases and forced imports.
> Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator<http://www.DeepL.com/Translator> 
> (free version)
> Lorenzo Fontanella
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