On Mon, 28 Feb 2022 at 14:32, Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote:
> * Archie Macintosh <archie...@gmx.co.uk> [02-28-22 09:26]:
> > I'm using dt 3.8.1 for Mac. I'm sure there used to be lightable
> > keyboard shortcuts for jump to first image and jump to last image, but
> > they don't appear to be listed, and I can't now remember what they
> > were, nor work out how to create them.
> open dt to lighttable view and hold down the "h" key to get a listing of
> the current keyboard shortcuts, or look at keyboardrc where the dt config
> files are stored on the mac.  on my pc, "home" and "end" goes to first and
> last.

Thanks Patrick. Sadly, the Mac wireless keyboard doesn't have 'home'
and 'end' keys. And there's no further help in keyboardrc. But your
reply prompted me to remember that I do have an old Mac USB keyboard,
with extra diagonal arrow keys that provide 'home' and 'end'. These
work in dt.

Many thanks!
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