* Willy Williams <grayc...@bolthole.net> [02-28-22 21:42]:
> Question:
>     I have some .svg watermark files that were generated in Inkscape on the
> Windows machines.  They work superbly when applied using darktable on the
> Windows machines.  When I copy those same .svg files to the Linux machine
> and put them in the correct place, then open them using the Inkscape
> instance on the Linux machine, there is no apparent difference, compared to
> the same files opened in Inkscape on the Windows machines.  That said, when
> I apply the .svg file watermarks to any image using darktable on the Linux
> machine, the graphic "signature" is represented perfectly, but the text
> portion is significantly shrunk side-to-side, but only when applied using
> darktable.  Anybody have ideas regarding the issue? Are there any fonts that
> do NOT work right when migrated from Windows to Linux?  Inquiring minds want
> to know...

check which font is used one each machine.  match them and you may solve
your problem.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
http://en.opensuse.org    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri
Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo                   paka @ IRCnet oftc
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