Comments at bottom of post:

On 25/02/2023 23:05, Jean-Luc wrote:
Le 25/02/2023 à 22:34, tony Hamilton a écrit :
Thanks for the suggestions.

With respect, your observation is clearly easy for you to say, but (and I have a LOT of experience on this) not so easy for me to do. The explanation (aside from the opinion oft expressed by others that I'm chronically, endemically and terminally stupid) is indeed simple: those who write the instructions on how to compile have to write for a general audience and so make assumptions - sadly often wrong - about my computing environment and my ability to comprehend those instructions. The latter factor reflects the fact that they are written by obviously technically competent authors who are also subject matter experts (but not necessarily writers), writing for people like themselves - who, by very definition, do not need such instructions. Those instructions are, in consequence, usually inaccessible and inapplicable to people like myself.

A significant part of the compile process is the handling of compilation errors; here the documentation is frequently inadequate, depending on a level of detailed knowledge and understanding which is beyond the average Linux application user. They are typified by impossible to parse scenarios which have an explanation of the nature of: "Oh, didn't we tell you about dependencies abc, hij, opq (which is incompatible with def, as long as you have, or, possibly, have not, included rst) and xyz (but not in version 2.99)? Sorry about that."

Oh, maybe I'm just too old and lacking a sense of humour....

On 25/02/2023 15:19, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
really building is simple and instructions are provided on github.

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Hello Tony,

Assuming you are running Ubuntu, here is a working process I used, based upon the instructions on GitHub together with help kindly provided by people on this list :

# Prérequis : Dépendances

    sudo apt -y install gcc g++ cmake intltool xsltproc libgtk-3-dev
    libxml2-utils libxml2-dev liblensfun-dev librsvg2-dev
    libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff5-dev
    liblcms2-dev libjson-glib-dev libexiv2-dev libpugixml-dev exiv2
    libexiv2-27 libgmic1 libheif1 libraw20 checkinstall

# Clônage du dépôt GIT

    git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 darktable
    git fetch --tags
    git checkout tags/release-4.2.1 # the version you intend to build

# Récupération des sous-modules

    git submodule update --init

# Build manuel

    mkdir build/
    cd build/
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ ..
    sudo make install # or sudo checkinstall

This will install dt in /usr instead of /opt, so you first might have to uninstall dt before :

    sudo apt -y autoremove darktable

Should this help.



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Incredily, this worked, after failing a few times at the git clone step (for reasons beyond my understanding), and after GitHub denying my authentication attempts in the absence of some sort of not-so-fine-toothed-token (meaning unknown to me as the words used in that combination make absolutely no sense to me, even though I know what each of them means when used individually, for example like the sequence 'elephant reflux differentiation asymptote').

The whole process is most unsatisfactory. It can best be described through an analogy: it was what I expect would be the experience of a blind person driving a busload of passengers along the narrow track a couple of hundred metres up in the gorge of the Jinshan River near Hu tiao xia in Yunnan Province - with verbal instructions (in local Yunnan dialect) being given by a highly experienced master co-driver who was having his lunch at the same time. 'Ah, yes, I should have warned you about that fragile part of the track before you drove into it - it's just that I don't have to think about it now after so many trips. Not to worry; only 95% fatalities. We have enough salvageable bits to rebuild the bus'.

One just doesn't feel like doing it again. However, thank you very much for the guidance.
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