* Michael Staats <michael.sta...@gmx.de> [06-07-23 01:06]:
> On 07/06/2023 01:02, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > * Manuel Presnitz <m...@gmx.net> [06-06-23 14:14]:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > > > > all of my systems have libicui18n.so.73 and can run dt, except this 
> > > > > > one.
> > > > > > all are very similarly configured.  all of my different box 
> > > > > > compiles are
> > > > > > identical.
> Hmm, ok, cannot help with the root cause, no idea what's exactly
> different on your machines.
> But a quick and dirty hack is of course:
> cd /lib64 && ln -s libicui18n.so.73 libicui18n.so.72
> I'd not do that if I had to guarantee any SLA or so, but I'd say the
> risk is very low. a) The library is most certainly not used for any core
> functionality of dt, b) usually, a change between a "73" and "72"
> version does not introduce any incompatibility. The 73 might have some
> improvements, fixes, new functionality, but it should not break any 72
> functionality -- only guessing, of course.
> If this was my machine, and I'd just need to get it working, I'd do that.

tks, I didn't mention that I tried that unsuccessfully but have located
a copy of libicu72-72.1-186.13.x86_64.rpm and installing that alongside
libicu73 allows dt to work and I have seen no side-effects yet.

fingers crossed :)

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
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Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo                   paka @ IRCnet oftc
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