On Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:12:03 +0000
Marc Cabuy <marc.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From experience I can tell that interactive response time of dt also
> depends on the resolution of your display. There is a big difference
> in response time between a 1080 points display versus a 2160 points
> (4K) display. Also, as already mentioned, the size of your files
> plays a role. I experience a slower response time with my 24 MP files
> versus my 16 MP files. Therefore I refrain from acquiring an higher
> resolution camera. What all this means in memory and gpu capacity
> depends on your expectations on interactive response time. Marc.
Also remember to factor in which kind of disk system you have -
Spinning disk, SSD or NVME, since the disk is used as a temporary

Michael Rasmussen

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