On 14 Sep 2012, at 16:13, Denis Roy wrote:

>> The main problem is disk space because someone decided to mirror Maven 
>> Central - which needs **much** more disk space than my original plan to host 
>> only the converted Maven artifacts on the system.
> Why don't we discontinue mirroring the planet?  Instead, since we have a 
> proxy server for the Hudson machines, we can enable caching there.  That way 
> the benefit is much wider than just maven central.

I believe that the maven central part was supposed to be only for the benefit 
of the local hudson slaves at Eclipse, rather than something which the server 
was ever really designed to cope with. Unfortunately the 'build' URL included 
it and I don't know if there is a way to update the settings that the MAven 
jobs run on Hudson to point elsewhere. If we can get rid of it for something 
else, so much the better.

Ultimately the http://maven.eclipse.org site should just make the Eclipse 
hosted maven content available, and not include any other downstream 
repositories. Or even better, hand it off to the CBI guys to maintain and look 
after - it's not like the Maven server is used for anything other than the 
maven-signing-plugin that was put together …

With the platform moving to CBI I suggest we let those POMs be part of the 
published metadata and they can manage this instance. 

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